Bach, Michael
Alphabet Soup The Essential Guide to LGBTQ2+ Inclusion at Work

Every year, companies who aren't doing the necessary work are losing millions of dollars to low productivity, staff turnover, missed opportunities, and reputational damage-and no, simply slapping a rainbow over your company logo isn't going to cut it.

In this myth-busting follow-up to the 2020 breakout bestseller Birds of All Feathers, diversity and inclusion expert Michael Bach breaks down everything you need to know about creating inclusive workplaces for people who don't fit squarely into the "straight" and "cis" box. And don't worry if you're already feeling lost; by the time you've finished this book, you'll know exactly LGBTQ2+ means-and a whole lot of other stuff to boot.

With clarity and a healthy dose of humor, Bach lays out a road map on how to ensure your workplace is safe for LGBTQ2+ people. You'll gain a clear understanding of sexuality, gender identity, and gender expression; what a Safe Space is, and how to turn your workplace into one; how to create and properly enforce a workplace Code of Conduct; and how to grab a piece of the fabulous "pink dollar" (worth more than $1 trillion dollars annually in the Canada and US alone!).

A must-read for leaders, HR professionals, CEOs, and managers of all levels, Alphabet Soup is a critical guide to creating a truly inclusive workplace for all.

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Medium erhältlich in:
1 Bibliothek der BSP Berlin, Berlin

Personen: Bach, Michael

Standort: BSP

Schlagwörter: Organisationssoziologie Gleichberechtigung Diskriminierung Geschlechterforschung

Bach, Michael [Verfasser]:
Alphabet Soup : The Essential Guide to LGBTQ2+ Inclusion at Work / Michael Bach. - Canada : Page Two Books, Inc., 2022. - 216 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-77458-085-1 kartoniert : EUR 15,95

Zugangsnummer: 00010531 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00019486-0
Spezielle Soziologien - Signatur: MS 3050 B118 - Buch