Business Spotlight 2022 - Ausgabe Heft 05. - Heft 05



The Big Picture: Chip-making in the US 6

Names and News: The latest from the business world 8

Bits and Bytes: News and numbers on the internet 10

Innovation: The ocean floor and air taxis 11

Profile: Airbnb founder Brian Chesky 12

Technology: What is crypto? 16

Head-to-Head: Does AI promote equality? 22

Global Business: How do war and sanctions affect global supply chains? 24


Intercultural Business: Working in China and Europe 28

Business Skils: How to communicate effectlively 32


My Biggest Failure: Josh Cramer on his career mistakes 35

Leadership: How to manage emotions at work 36

Career Coach: The right posture for a video call 39


English for...: Humanitarian aid 40

Skill up!: The language of farming 42

Key Words: Ken Taylor explains "side hustle" 44

Humour: The funny side of work 45

Short Story: White hat, black hat 46

Test: Assess your language skills 46

Regular Sections:


One Question: Who is our mystery person?


Dieses Medium ist voraussichtlich bis zum 28.10.2024 ausgeliehen. Gerne können Sie es vormerken.

Medium erhältlich in:

Standort: BSP

Schlagwörter: Kommunikation Gleichberechtigung Krieg Sanktionen Krypto Scheitern

Business Spotlight 2022 - Ausgabe Heft 05. - München : Spotlight Verlag, 2022. - Seiten 3-51
ISSN 1617-1888 : EUR 7.90

Zugangsnummer: 00015000 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00016498-6
Zeitschriften - Signatur: QA 2022-12 - Zeitschriftenheft