Business Spotlight 2024/01 English for your work and life



The Big Picture: Bread in Egypt 6

Names and News: The latest from the business world 8

Bits and Bytes: News and numbers on the internet 10

Innovation: Traffic safety and fashion 11

Profile: Lina Khan - her fight against Amazon 12

Profile: Liam Carpenter - social media influencer 14

Head-to-Head: Can multinationals be good for the world? 16

Technology: What is decision intelligence and how can business profit from it? 18

Start-Up: The Peggy app brings art home to everyone 22

War in Ukraine: How Ukraine's railway became a life-line after the Russian invasion 24

What If? What if we sanctioned Russia completely? 29

Intercultural: Interview with a forensic pathologist in Iceland 30


Business Skills: How to write effective emails 34


Odd jobs: A street scout looking for a face in the crowd 37

Career coach: Making change better 38


English for... Civil engineering 42

Skill Up! Social media marketing 44

Test: Assess your language skills 48

Regular Sections

Editorial 3

Quiz: Words we wish we had in English 50

Preview/Impressum 51

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Medium erhältlich in:
1 Bibliothek der BSP Berlin, Berlin

Standort: BSP

Schlagwörter: Unternehmen Englisch Innovation

Business Spotlight 2024/01 : English for your work and life. - München : ZEIT SPRACHEN, 2024. - 6-51 Seiten
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