Business Spotlight 2024/05 English for your work and life

The Big Picture - The Beipanjiang Bridge - the highest in the world, 6

Names and News - Business news from China, 8

Facts and Figures - China in numbers, 10

Profile - Zhou Qunfei - founder of Lens Technology, Sarah Evans, 12

Profile - Chan Sheung Yee - champion of well-being and mental health, Rachel Preece, 14

Property - The story opf Chiona´s empty cities, Richard Mote, 16

Society - "Runology" - why young people are leaving China, Xifan Yang, 20

Global Business - China´s booming electric vehicle industy, Rachel Preece, 22

Climate - China´s aim to reduce carbon emissions, Richard Mote, 24

Travel - 72 hours in Shanghai, James Roberts, 26

Food instustry - Changing China´s diet, Melita Cameron-Wood, 30

Etiquette - Dos and don´ts when working in China, Talitha Linehan & Richard Mote, 32

Business Skills - How to contribute to discussions, Ken Taylor, 34

Odd Jobs - Gemologist Colin Weldon, Melita Cameron-Wood, 37

Career Coach - Defending your ideas, Frank Peters, 38

English for... - Repair café, Hildegard Rudolph, 42

Skill up! - Changing careers, Karen Richardson, 44

Test - Assess your language skills, Dagmar Taylor, 48

Tips - Stop procrastinating! 8 productivity tips, 50

Preview / Impressum, 51

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Standort: BSP

Schlagwörter: Unternehmen Englisch Innovation

Business Spotlight 2024/05 : English for your work and life. - München : ZEIT SPRACHEN, 2024. - 3-51
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