The Multimodal Nature of Visual Perception: Facts and Specu-lations
Gestalt Psychology: Incoming
Bühlers Ausdruckslehre zwischen Physiognomik und Wahrnehmungspsychologie
Der Ausdruck als die Lebendigkeit der Moral
Psychoneural Isomorphisms and Content-NCCs
From Mindfulness of Nature to Mindfulness for Nature: The Gestalt-Ontology of Arne Næss
Phenomenological Research v. Experimental Phenomenology
Gestalt Psychology, Mirror Neurons, and Body-Mind Problem
The Tomatis Effect with Professional Opera Singers
The Perception of Contrariety and the Processing of Verbal Irony
Dramatic Perception. Foreground and Background in Nineteenth-Century Operatic Concertatos
Gestalt und Gestaltverlust in der Schizophrenie.
Schmerz lass nach! Anmerkungen zur psychotherapeutischen Diagnostik und Behandlung von Schmerzzuständen
Traumatic Stress and its Impact on Body, Mind and Society
Art Coaching as an Explorative Technique in the Real-Life Experience Regarding People with Gender Dysphoria
Medium erhältlich in:
Serie / Reihe: Vol. 38, No. 2/3
Standort: BSP
gestalt theory 2016/02-03 : an international multidisciplinary journal ; official journal of the Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications (GTA). - Wien : Krammer, 2016. - S. 104-333. - (Vol. 38, No. 2/3 (November 2016))
ISSN 0170057x : EUR 28.00
Zeitschriften der Psychologie - Signatur: CL 2016-50 - Zeitschriftenheft