Gleitman, Henry

The Eighth Edition has been reorganized and streamlined to mirror the organization of today's courses, updated to include extensive coverage of the latest discoveries and research, and reimagined with new pedagogy, figures, and technology.

James Gross, co-author of the text and Director of the Psychology One Teaching Program at Stanford University, believes in an integrated approach that looks at multiple perspectives to understand the larger complexities of the field. In the Eighth Edition, the authors present psychology as a central discipline that connects to the humanities as well as the exciting advances in neuroscience.

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1 Bibliothek der BSP Berlin, Berlin

Personen: Gleitman, Henry Gross, James Reisberg, Daniel

Standort: BSP

Schlagwörter: Psychologie Verhalten Sozialpsychologie Gedächtnis Motivation Emotion Behaviorismus Learning Perception Genetik intelligence memory sensation consciousness thinking language SpracheIntelligenz

Gleitman, Henry ¬[Verfasser]:
Psychology / Henry Gleitmann; James Gross; Daniel Reisberg. - 8. Auflage. - New York, London : W. W. Norton & Co, 2011. - 522 Seiten : Illustrationen, graphische Darstellungen
ISBN 978-0-393-11682-3 kartoniert : EUR 41.99

Zugangsnummer: 00002065 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00011199-7
Allgemeines. Geschichte und Methodik der Psychologie - Signatur: CM 1000 G557 (8) - Buch