The Economist 2021 - Ausgabe Heft 9262. - Heft 9262

Schwerpunkt: 9/11 America then and now

The world this week
A summary of political and financial news 7

Twenty years after 9/11
America then and now 9
Sex and geopolitics
Why nations that fail women fail 10
Britain's care reform
Age and enlightenment 11
Texa's abortion law
Ingeniously awful 11
El Salvador
New ideas, old tricks 12

On Turkey and the EU, Afghanistan, Kazakhstanis, executives, dudes 14

American foreign policy 16

Germany's place in the world 19
The CDU in crisis 20
The future of Spain 21
EU astrology 22

Paying for social care 23
Fusion architecture 24
A radical mayor learns pragmatism 26

Middle East & Africa
A coup in Guinea 27
The other Zionism 28
Getting Nigerians to save 29
Iran's inept government 29
Qatar and the Taliban 30

United States
How NYC built back better 31
Texas' abortion law 32
Full ICUs and vaccine take-up 33
Bankrupticy law 34
Nuns and nones 34
Recall elections 35
American Muslims 36

The Americas
Brazil's populist protests 37
Abortion in Mexico 38
Nayib Bukele's power grab 40

Delta in South-East Asia 41
Face masks in Bangladesh 43
Vaccines for the dead 43
Running Afghanistan 44
Japan after Suga 44
Castle in India 45

Regulating the internet 46
A feisty political debate 47
The party's untouchable elite 48

Sex and society 49

Intel and the future of chipmaking 53
Big oil in Baghdad 55
Why Europe loves cable 55
Germany's new blue chips 56
Direct-to-consumer 56
New dress codes 57
Genomics and antitrust 58

Finance & economics
Cities and covid-19 61
Aluminium surges 62
Listings in China 63
Betting on private equity 64
The global policy cycle 64
Real assets and inflation 65
Free exchange
Boosting housing supply 66

Science & technology
A new AIDS vaccine 67
Covid-19 trials on humans 68
Cliamte change and animal bodies 69
The luck of the kakapo 69
Hybrid ocean reefs 70

Books & arts
The aftermath of September 11th 71
Josiah Wedgwood's revolution 72
Antiquities in court 73
Sally Rooney's new novel 74

Economic & finacial indicators
Statistics on 42 economies 76

Graphic detail
Anxiety-driven meltdowns are common in elite tennis 77

Jean "Binta" Breeze, a dub poet for all third-world women

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Standort: BSP

Schlagwörter: Wirtschaft Politik Deutschland Afrika Zionismus EU Technologie COVID-19 Amerika Impfung Pandemie Impfstoff Gesetze Terroranschlag Frauenrechte Abtreibung CDU

The Economist 2021 - Ausgabe Heft 9262. - London : The Economist Newspaper Limited, 2021. - Seiten 1-78
EAN 9770954307050 : EUR 13,00

Zugangsnummer: 00005531 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00015131-3
Zeitschriften - Signatur: QA 2021-40 - Zeitschriftenheft