The Economist 2021 - Ausgabe Heft 9267. - Heft 9267

Schwerpunkt: The energy shock

The world this week
A summary of political and business news 8

The energy shock 11
Wage growth
Cheques and imbalance 12
The coronavirus
Covid-19's rocky road 12
Internet regulators
Reluctant gatekeepers 13
Latin America
Building back best 14

The London Stock Exchange, philanthropy, religion, urinating cows, Brazil, "like" 16

How the pandemic becomes endemic 17

The gas crisis 21
The fall of Sebastian Kurz 22
France's Trump wannabe 24
The Poland problem 26

Silencing academics 27
A maritime tilt 28

Middle East & Africa
Nuclear talk with Iran 29
Iraq's dismal election 30
The Dubai expo 31
Sankara's murder trial 31
Afrikaner identity 32

United States
Climate policy 33
Anatomy of a scandal 35
Military bases move left 35
Universities and donors 36
Chapeau to Dave Chapelle 37

The Americas
Latin America's chance 38
Bello Guillermo Lasso 42

India's high-tech state 43
Philippine politics 44
Dynastic Turkmenistan 45
Sri Lanka's economy 45
Lee Jae-myung's sales pitch 46

The zero-covid policy 47
Chaguan Xi and Mao 50

Censoring the internet 51
Journalism in Russia 53

The energy shock 55
Undersea power grids 56
A femtech boom, finally 58
Air India 58
Juries and meetings 59
Adobe 60

Finance & economics
The pandemic pay rise 61
Wage bargains in Germany 62
Rents in America 63
The IMF's boss 63
China's bond markets 64
Shell companies 64
Credit cards and the web 65
Passive investing 66
Free exchange
The nobel prize 68

Science & technology
Inspecting asteroids 71
Planetary defence 72
Carbon isotope analysis 73
Fishing for allergens 74
How snakes evolved 74

Books & arts
Technology, business and innovation 75
John le Carre's posthumous novel 76
Humans and evolution 77
Dancing with Dante 77
Accents in foreign languages 78

Economic & financial indicators
Statistics on 42 economies 80

Graphic detail
America's Senate and small-state bias 81

A.Q. Khan, father of Pakistan's nuclear bomb 82

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Standort: BSP

Schlagwörter: Wirtschaft Politik Internet Börse Technik Technologie Pandemie Klima Evolution digitale Medien Energiekrise

The Economist 2021 - Ausgabe Heft 9267. - London : The Economist Newspaper Limited, 2021. - Seiten 1-82
EAN 9770954307050 : EUR 13,00

Zugangsnummer: 00005534 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00015127-6
Zeitschriften - Signatur: QA 2021-41 - Zeitschriftenheft