Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 2016/53


Pair-Bonded Relationships and Romantic Alternatives: Toward an Integration of Evolutionary and Relationship Science Perspectives
1. The Conflict- Confluence Continuum Model: An Introduction
2. Two Theoretical Traditions: Evolutionary Psychology and Relationship Science
3. Characterizing the Divergence Between Perspectives: Confluence versus Conflict of Interest
4. The Ovulatory Shift Hypothesis: Integrating Evolutionary Psychological and Relationship Science Approaches
5. Integrative Approaches to Reconcile the Close Relationships and Ovulatory Shift perspectives
6. Toward Better Testing and Integration of the Models
7. Conflict versus Confluence as a Broad Framework for integrating Evolutionary Psychology and Relationship Science
8. A Note on the Process: From Adversaries to Collaborators
9. Conclusion

The Behavioral Immune System: Implications for Social Cognition, Social Interaction, and Social Influence
1. Introduction
2. Conceptual Background on the Behavioral Immune System
3. Two Underlying Principles with Implications for Social Psychological Phenomena
4.I mplications for specific Social Psychological Phenomena
5. Additional Consequences and Broader Conceptual Implications
6. Unanswered Questions and Directions for Future Research References

Self-Protective yet Self-Defeating: The Paradox of low Self-Esteem People's Self-Disclosures
1. Background: Research on Self-Esteem and on Self-Esteem in Interpersonal Relationships
2. Self-Esteem and Self-Disclosure
3. The Paradox and Possible Resolutions
4. Conclusions

Social Surrogates, Social Motivations, and Everyday Activities: The Case for a strong, subtle and Sneaky Social Self
1. Social Surrogates
2. Social Worlds
3. Reminders of Others
4. Parasocial Relationships
5. Social Surrogates: Additional Implications and Final thoughts
6. Collective Effervescene
7. People are not always aware of their social Motivations
8. Conclusion

Spatial Agency Bias: Representing People in Space
1. Main Predictinos of the SAB Model
2. Visual and Motor Underpinnings
3. Lingustic Underpinnings
4. The Role of the SAB in Intergroup Relations
5. Applications
6. Boundary Conditions and Moderators
7. Implications for embodied Cognition
8. Conclusions

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Serie / Reihe: Advances in Experimental Social Psychology

Personen: Olson, James M. Zanna, Mark P.

Schlagwörter: Selbstkonzept Sozialpsychologie Stereotyp Verhalten soziale Kognition sozialer Einfluss Sozialverhalten Beziehung Selbstwertgefühl Soziale Interaktion

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 2016/53. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2016. - 323 S. - (Advances in Experimental Social Psychology). - Volume 53. - englisch
ISSN 00652601

Zugangsnummer: 00004693 - Barcode: 2-9184204-4-00004857-6
Zeitschriften der Psychologie - Signatur: CL 1000 Advan 2016-01 - Zeitschriftenheft