Shaffer, David R.
Developmental Psychology Childhood and Adolescence

This popular, topically organized, and thoroughly updated child and adolescent development text presents you with the best theories, research, and practical advice that developmentalists have to offer today. Authors David R. Shaffer and Katherine Kipp provide you with a current and comprehensive overview of child and adolescent development, written in clear, concise language that talks "to" you rather than "at" you. The authors also focus on application showing how theories and research apply to real-life settings. As a result, you will gain an understanding of developmental principles that will help you in your roles as parents, teachers, nurses, day-care workers, pediatricians, psychologists, or in any other capacity by which you may one day influence the lives of developing persons.

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Weiterführende Informationen

Personen: Shaffer, David R. Kipp, Katherine

Schlagwörter: Entwicklungspsychologie Pädagogik Kindesentwicklung Kinder und Jugendliche

Shaffer, David R.:
Developmental Psychology : Childhood and Adolescence / David Shaffer, Katherine Kipp. - 9th edition. - Boston : Cengage, 2021. - 600 Seiten, A1-3, G1-9, R1-42, I-36
ISBN 978-0-357-67086-6 (pbk.)

Zugangsnummer: 00024201 - Barcode: 2-9184204-4-00021222-9
Entwicklungspsychologie - Signatur: CQ 1000 S525-01 - Buch