European journal of health psychology 2020/01


Original Articles:
- Fear of Physical Activity, Anxiety, and Depression: Barriers to Physical Activity in Outpatients With Heart Failure?
- Comparisons as Predictors of People's Beliefs About the Importance of Changing Their Health Behaviors
- The influence of Personality and Drinking Motives on College Student Binge Drinking in the US and Portugal

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Serie / Reihe: European of Health Psychology

Schlagwörter: Gesundheitsverhalten Körperliche Aktivität Entscheidungsfindung Herzinsuffizienz Extraversion Theorie des sozialen Vergleichs Binge-Drinking Neurotizismus

European journal of health psychology 2020/01. - Bern : Hogrefe, 2020. - Seite 1-44. - (European of Health Psychology)
ISSN 25128442

Zugangsnummer: 00019280 - Barcode: 2-9184204-4-00016340-8
Zeitschriften der Psychologie - Signatur: CL 1000 Health 2020-01 - Zeitschriftenheft