Andreas Strozyk
Episode 15: Medhi Benatia - Alone but Honest - Kick it! Great Football Heroes

Medhi Benatia is born in the suburbs of Paris. In display windows, on TV and in magazines the children can see that life is different elsewhere; that others live better and more comfortable lives than they do. Money is necessary for that kind of lifestyle. And they quickly learn how to get money on the street. They start to steal, rob and beat people. Medhi experiences it all first hand, but he doesn't want to join in. For him, football is all that matters. He desperately wants to leave this life behind, because he doesn't want to become like the others. There is a football boarding school run by the French Football Federation nearby and that is where Medhi wants to be!

Altersempfehlung: ab 5 Jahren.

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Signatur: TigerBook - TigerBooks-Medium