Cornelius Addison
Harry the Huntsman

The first audiobook from the Addison's Tales musical storyworld tells the harrowing adventure of Penelope as she is whisked underground in search of the last remaining Core - the fallen star that will bring light to the dying Caverns of the gnomes. Leading her on the search is Boris Bones, a gnome with a dubious past who believes Penelope will be able to decipher the riddle that will save his homeland from eternal darkness. Excited by the thrill of adventure but not sure she entirely trusts Boris Bones, Penelope drags her friend Knuckles, the elegant, picking-loving squirrel, along for the submarine ride - much to his disgust. The pair promptly find themselves on a subterranean journey filled with giant monsters, pirates, ancient mysteries, dragons, double-crosses and a riddle in a bottle that Penelope soon fears she will have no way of understanding. Expertly narrated by the author, Penelope hooks readers on the first line with its vivid, often hilarious account of a spirited cat, an irritable gnome and a vertiginous squirrel as the trio seek to unravel 'The Tessello Riddle'.

Altersempfehlung: ab 10 Jahren.

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