Parks, Adele
The Stranger In My Home

What would YOU do if your child wasn't yours?

Alison is lucky and she knows it. She has the life she always craved, including a happy home with Jeff and their brilliant, vivacious teenage daughter, Katherine - the absolute centre of Alison's world.

Then a knock at the door ends life as they know it.

Fifteen years ago, someone else took Alison's baby from the hospital. And now Alison is facing the unthinkable.

The daughter she brought home doesn't belong to her.

When you have everything you dreamed of, there is everything to lose.

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Personen: Parks, Adele

Standort: St. Marien

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig


Parks, Adele:
The Stranger In My Home : Headline Review, 2017. - 480 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-4722-0552-0 Broschur : EUR 9,49

Zugangsnummer: 5017/0631 - Barcode: 2-1110414-6-00016645-4
Schöne Literatur - Buch