McKenzie, Sophie
The Medusa Project The Set-Up

"So it is not science fiction, it is inevitale that within our children's human genome. If we can re-create existing bacterial genomes, we will be able to create new improved human ones." Terence Kealey, clinical biochemist, writing in 'The Times', Saturday 26th January 2008

"This is hi-octane stuff...will leave everyone gasping for the next episode." The Bookseller

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Personen: McKenzie, Sophie

Schlagwörter: Genetik Klonen

Interessenkreis: englische Literatur

McKenzie, Sophie:
The Medusa Project : The Set-Up / Sophie McKenzie. - London : Simon & Schuster, 2009. - 292 S. ; 11 x 18 cm. - in englischer Sprache
2011295-1 Pp : 4,00

Zugangsnummer: 2011/0296 - Barcode: 2-5023607-5-00002074-9
Signatur: McKen - Buch