Lowry, Lois
Number the Stars

The year is 1943 and for 12-year-old Annemarie Johansen life in Copenhagen is a complicated mix of home and school, not enough food - and Nazi soldiers on the streets.
Annemarie's best friend Ellen is a Jew. And as the Nazi soldiers begin to kill all Jews, Annemarie stands by her friend and helps her try to escape to Sweden. Will they cucceed?

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Personen: Lowry, Lois

Standort: BF

Schlagwörter: Nazis Freundschaft 3.+4. Lehrjahr

Interessenkreis: Englisch

Lowry, Lois:
Number the Stars / Lois Lowry. - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Klett, 2009. - 61 Seiten : Zeichnungen
ISBN 978-3-12-534274-3 Broschur

Zugangsnummer: 2019/0460 - Barcode: 00014215
Lektüren Sek I, A2 / B1 (3./4. Lernjahr) - Signatur: Eng 11.2 Lowry - Buch