Kõbisch, David
Bildungsrõume im Vergleich das theologische Lehramtsstudium in Marburg und Frankfurt am Main .-Luth. Kirche

Since its inception in 1999, all the efforts of the Bologna Process have been targeted at creating a common European Higher Education Area ("Europõischer Bildungsraum"). The main objective of this process was meant to ensure more comp arable and compatible systems of higher education. Has it succeeded? This comparative case study will attempt to answer this question related to the theological education of teachers in Marburg und Frankfurt am Main. For that purpose, the author introduces the theory of 'Bildungsrõume' as a means of analyzing the theological education of these universities from a historical, empirical, systematic and didactic point of view. Borrowing this format used by historians, the paper describes important aspects of theological education in its contribution to the training of teachers in Germany.

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Serie / Reihe: Religionslehrerbildung "nach Bologna"

Personen: Kõbisch, David

Schlagwörter: Lehrerbildung Theologiestudium Hochschuldidaktik Bologna-Prozess Universitõt Marburg Universitõt Frankfurt, Main

Interessenkreis: Religionspõdagogik

4859/.61.48 CI

Kõbisch, David:
Bildungsrõume im Vergleich : das theologische Lehramtsstudium in Marburg und Frankfurt am Main .-Luth. Kirche / David Kõbisch. - Afrikas Theologien (II. Teil). - (Religionslehrerbildung "nach Bologna"). - In: Zeitschrift_f³r_Põdagogik_und_Theologie, 66. Jg., 2014, 2, S.117-126

Zugangsnummer: 0000/0662 - Barcode: 90067201
Zeitschriftendienst des Comenius-Institutes - Buch