Weymann, Volker
Christliche Verkündigung als Vollzug der Unterscheidung von Gesetz und Evangelium Landesbischof i.R. D. Horst Hirschler zum 70. Geburtstag

By means of both a biblical and a systematic approach, this paper seeks to shed light on the distinction between the law and the gospel. A sermon by Martin Luther provides the foundation from which we elucidate the basis andthe essence of this difference. From this there emerge some homiletic insights. The objective of preaching, which is to delineate as fully as possible the difference between the law and the gospel, is explored in three dimensions: How does it help to address the reality of everyday life without making compromises and without playing down the issue? To what should we pay particular attention so as to articulate that, contrary to the assumption of a merely loving god, the gospel makes us free? How are weto address the question of ethical responsibility?

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Personen: Weymann, Volker Hirschler, Horst

Schlagwörter: Evangelium Gesetz Verkündigung Homiletik


Weymann, Volker:
Christliche Verkündigung als Vollzug der Unterscheidung von Gesetz und Evangelium : Landesbischof i.R. D. Horst Hirschler zum 70. Geburtstag / von Volker Weymann. - In: Kerygma_und_Dogma 49.Jg., 2003, H.4, S.307-319,

Zugangsnummer: 2005/1287
Zeitschriften - Buch