Pannenberg, Wolfhart
Der ökumenische Weg seit dem II. Vatikanischen Konzil - aus evangelischer Sicht Herrn Bischof Dr. Paul-Werner Scheele zum 75. Geburtstag

The second Vatican Council was the most important ecumenical event after the founding of the WCC, because since that time the Roman Catholic Church has become an active member of the ecumenical process. However, two decisions by the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith have caused major setbacks in its relationship with reformatory churches: first,its rejection of the Final Report of the ARCIC Commission´s claim to "substantial agreement" with Rome in 1982 and, second, its position in the Dominus Jesus document, that reformatory churches are not "churches" in thestrict sense of the term. Also, Protestant disregard of the Episcopal constitution of the life of the church concerning a possible church communion is not helpful. An agreement on the ordained ministry and on the Episcopal ministry continues to be an indispensable requirement of ecclesial communion.

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Personen: Scheele, Paul-Werner Pannenberg, Wolfhart

Schlagwörter: Vatikanum II Ökumenische Bewegung


Pannenberg, Wolfhart:
Der ökumenische Weg seit dem II. Vatikanischen Konzil - aus evangelischer Sicht : Herrn Bischof Dr. Paul-Werner Scheele zum 75. Geburtstag / von Wolfhart Pannenberg. - In: Kerygma_und_Dogma 50.Jg., 2004, H.1, S.17-24,

Zugangsnummer: 2005/1461
Zeitschriften - Buch