Barth, Hermann
Die evangelische Kirche auf der europäischen Bühne

In addition to politics and judicial decisions, church actions are also being influenced increasingly by the developments in Europe, above all within die framework of the European Union. This is demonstrated by the author of this article, in which he makes use of several current examples. However, up to now the churches have only been prepared for these new developments in Europe to a limited extent. They will have to increase their efforts if they wish to become clearly recognizable and well-organized participants in Europe

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Personen: Barth, Hermann

Schlagwörter: Kulturgeschichte Rechtsgrundlagen Kirchen in Europa Europäische Union


Barth, Hermann:
Die evangelische Kirche auf der europäischen Bühne / von Hermann Barth. - In: Zeitschrift_für_Theologie_und_Kirche 101.Jg., 2004, H.2, S.237-256,

Zugangsnummer: 2005/1619
Zeitschriften - Buch