Meyer, Harding
"Einheit in versöhnter Verschiedenheit" Hintergrund und Sinn einer ökumenischen Formel

The article describes the historical background, development and meaning ofthe ecumenical concept of "unity in reconciled diversity", which was first developed in 1974 and insists that confessional diversity can be maintainedin the search for unity of the church provided that it sheds its church-dividing character. The author points out that this "model of unity"is based on the common understanding of visible unity as outlined in the famous declaration of the New Delhi WCC Assembly (1961) and, therefore, represents a legitimate concept. "Unity in reconciled diversity" does not aim at ruling out the transconfessional concept of "organic or corporate union". Rather, it understands itself as a different, yet equally valid andlegitimate concept, thus overcoming the longstanding predominance of the "organic union" concept in the ecumenical movement. A larger part of the article analyses the relationship between "confessionality" and "ecumenism", in order to try to demonstrate why, in principle, confessionalloyalty is not opposed to ecumenical engagement.

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Personen: Meyer, Harding

Schlagwörter: Ökumene Einheit der Kirche Konfessionalität Ökumenische Bewegung


Meyer, Harding:
"Einheit in versöhnter Verschiedenheit" : Hintergrund und Sinn einer ökumenischen Formel / von Harding Meyer. - In: Kerygma_und_Dogma 49.Jg., 2003, H.4, S.293-306,

Zugangsnummer: 2005/1286
Zeitschriften - Buch