Dalferth, Ingolf U.
Ereignis und Transzendenz In: epd-Dokumentation,o.Jg.,1986,H.22-23,S.1-124

The paper discusses the thesis that "the insight into the event character of everything that is" (Tengelyi) is the key to understanding the most recent developments in French phenomenology. In this article, I distinguish between and explain three different concepts of event which function in ontological, semiotic and theological discourses and which express the event character of being, meaning and existence. These three concepts of event cannot be traced back to each other or something else. Hence philosophical and theological discourses of event comply with different event grammars.

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Personen: Dalferth, Ingolf U.

Schlagwörter: Theologie Phõnomenologie Ontologie Semiotik Sein Transzendenz Ereignis

Interessenkreis: Religionswissenschaft Referat

2867/.69.28 CI

Dalferth, Ingolf U.:
Ereignis und Transzendenz : In: epd-Dokumentation,o.Jg.,1986,H.22-23,S.1-124 / von Ingolf U. Dalferth. - Sri Lanka. Bericht für die Internationale Juristen- Kommission. - In: Zeitschrift_f³r_Theologie_und_Kirche, 110. Jg., 2013, 4, S.475-500

Zugangsnummer: 0000/0813 - Barcode: 90082301
Zeitschriftendienst des Comenius-Institutes - Buch