Smit, Dirk J.
"Jesus" und "Politik"? hichten im Religionsunterricht Neuere Literatur zur Bedeutung der Christologie f³r die Íffentliche Theologie - aus s³dafrikanischer Perspektive

The paper deals with potential ethical implications of contemporary Christological studies. In a first section the argument is made that doctrine and ethics belong together. In the central section, this claim is then illustrated with reference to recent approaches to Christology. Under the theme "Christology and Ethics" six popular approaches are discussed with a view to their respective ethical implications. In each case, representative examples are provided. The six approaches are those that underline living in communion with Christ, that emphasize remembering Jesus, that call for discipleship, that employ the threefold office, that depart from the worship of Christ and that emphasize Christ+s promised future. In a brief final section three conclusions are developed regarding Christology and public theology, or Jesus and politics.

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Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie

Personen: Smit, Dirk J. Dirk J. Smit

Schlagwörter: Jesus Christus Ethik Politik Christologie Íffentliche Theologie

Interessenkreis: Theologie


Smit, Dirk J.:
"Jesus" und "Politik"? hichten im Religionsunterricht : Neuere Literatur zur Bedeutung der Christologie f³r die Íffentliche Theologie - aus s³dafrikanischer Perspektive / Dirk J. Smit. - (Evangelische Theologie; 2014/1). - In: Evangelische_Theologie, 74. Jg., 2014, 1, S.57-70

Zugangsnummer: 0000/1087 - Barcode: 90109701
Zeitschriften - Buch