Plieth, Martina
Leben am Limit - Vom Umgang mit Ängsten in Todesnähe

Different phenotypes of fears are distinguished and the central role of the chances for communication is outlined. Examples from the recent book by the stage director and action artist Christoph Schlingensief and interviews with children in primary schools are given and parallelised.

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Personen: Plieth, Martina

Schlagwörter: Tod Angst Sterben Kommunikation

Interessenkreis: ohne_Fachordnung

1288/..1351 CI

Plieth, Martina:
Leben am Limit - Vom Umgang mit Ängsten in Todesnähe / Martina Plieth. - In: Pastoraltheologie 98.Jg., 2009, H.12, S.483-490,

Zugangsnummer: 2010/1149