Sadowski, Sigurd

A definition of this latest field of pastoral care is given. When disastersoccur, victims and relatives are in need of a non-technical helper. Yet, also the helpers themselves - people who just happened to be at the scene, and the professional firemen, policemen, paramedics - need assistance in dealing with what has happened. The professionals were the ones who asked for Christian support and thus initiated this new form of pastoral care, which at the moment is seeking its structures.

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Personen: Sadowski, Sigurd

Schlagwörter: Trost Kirche Seelsorge Ethik Pfarrer Seelsorger Laie Psychosomatik Krisenbegleitung Seelsorgegespräch Seelsorgemethode

Interessenkreis: Kirche

Sadowski, Sigurd:
Notfallseelsorge / Sigurd Sadowski. - Notfallseelsorge. - In: Pastoraltheologie 88.Jg., 1999, H.10, S.422-434

Zugangsnummer: 0002/8611