Schmolke, Andrea
Plädoyer für die evangelische Andacht

The German term "Andacht" describes a small liturgical form, consisting of prayer and mostly - at its centre - a few explicatory and thoughtful remarks usually connected to a scripture reading. Its manifold benefits are looked at and the dynamics of form vs. content, publicity vs. privacy, creativity vs. simplicity, freedom vs. liturgical ties are discussed.

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Personen: Schmolke, Andrea

Schlagwörter: Liturgie

Interessenkreis: Kirche Andacht

1648/..1714 CI

Schmolke, Andrea:
Plädoyer für die evangelische Andacht / Andrea Schmolke. - In: Pastoraltheologie 99.Jg., 2010, H.1, S.2-17,

Zugangsnummer: 2010/1239