Huxel, Kirsten
Theologie als Sprachlehre des Glaubens zum hermeneutischen Programm von Ernst Fuchs

"This essay develops the proposition that Ernst Fuchs´ hermeneutics has a phenomenological intention and can be understood as a revision of Bultman´sprogramme of existential interpretation. An analysis of the essentially existential character of the language of existence, which is central to this revision, shows that Fuchs deliberately makes use of a poetic, creative and equivocal terminology. In doing so, he intends his theology toserve as a critical and constructive grammar for the language of faith. This accounts for the particular charm of Fuchs´ writings as well as for the difficulties and problems his texts represent.

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Personen: Huxel, Kirsten

Schlagwörter: Glaube Theologie Sprache Hermeneutik Phänomenologie


Huxel, Kirsten:
Theologie als Sprachlehre des Glaubens : zum hermeneutischen Programm von Ernst Fuchs / von Kirsten Huxel. - In: Zeitschrift_für_Theologie_und_Kirche 101.Jg., 2004, H.3, S. 292-314,

Zugangsnummer: 2005/1743
Zeitschriften - Buch