Raabe, Gerson
Überlegungen zu einer Theorie der Frömmigkeit

The German word "Frömmigkeit" means in common language a kind of piety. Beyond this the word is very suitable to describe how Religion could be lived in life under the conditions of a modern world. "Frömmigkeit" includes both aspects of the life of modern individuals - on the one hand the aspect of subjectivity, on the other hand the relation to culture. It consists in correlates which belong to both spheres, the sphere of the subject and the sphere of culture. So "Frömmigkeit" stands for the individual part of practised and lived religion and it reveals ultimate concern, unity and freedom. Various intern and extern factors menace the practise of 'Frömmigkeit'. Nevertheless the concept of Frömmigkeit gives a deep and effective contribution to live and master the life. Therefore the word "Frömmigkeit" should be revitalized.

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Personen: Raabe, Gerson

Schlagwörter: Kultur Lebenswelt Frömmigkeit Subjektivität

160/..160 CI

Raabe, Gerson:
Überlegungen zu einer Theorie der Frömmigkeit. - In: Kerygma und Dogma, 52. Jg., 2006, 4, S.348-367

Zugangsnummer: 2007/2699