Block, Johannes
Verstehen durch Musik das gesungene Wort als hermeneutische Schule am Beispiel der Theologie Martin Luthers

The focus of this paper is the sung word (hymnology) as a school of theological understanding (hermeneutics). Its aim is to establish a "hermeneutical hymnology in order to open our awareness to what die voice of music can contribute to theological understanding. The starting point ofa hermeneutically focused hymnology is both the Reformation as a movement of song ("Singbewegung") and the scriptural hermeneutics of Martin Luther. It can be seen that theology is conducted while singing and that theological understanding comes to fruition in singing. The sound of the word (vox musicae) and the content of the word (verbum theologiae) are intimately connected (Section 1). Through a two-fold focus on Luther´s loveof hermeneutics and his love of music, Section 2 develops the connection between sound and the content of the word. The vox musicae is able to affectively achieve in heart and soul the very understanding that the verbum theologiae produces in the intellect: the emergence of the human being out of self-focus into hearing the word of God. Here the word effect (vox musicae: hearing, sound, affect) what it states (verbum theologiae: esse nos extra nos). Establishing a hermeneutically questioning hymnology is of importance for both theological scholarship and the church. While theformer may rediscover the basic meaning of theologising, the latter might succeed in entering the state of being churc of the word (Section 3).

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Personen: Block, Johannes Block, Detlef

Schlagwörter: Musik Luther Theologie Hermeneutik


Block, Johannes:
Verstehen durch Musik : das gesungene Wort als hermeneutische Schule am Beispiel der Theologie Martin Luthers / von Johannes Block. - In: Kerygma_und_Dogma 50.Jg., 2004, H.2, S.151-168,

Zugangsnummer: 2005/1554
Zeitschriften - Buch