Habermann, Jürgen
Visitation aus neutestamentlicher Sicht

While Scripture is recognized as norma normans in evangelic understanding, the New Testament research surprisingly shows little interest for the important issue of the Visitation. This article wants to demonstrate, that it is necessary and helpful to ask the New Testament about the Visitation. Contrary to other opinions the New Testament doesnÆt offer a homogeneous and consistent view of the Church. Unity and diversity are equal and stay relevant. Central keyword for the Visitation is paraklesis with the different meanings exhor-tation and encouragement (paraenesis), commitment and solace, admonition and warning. The integrated concepts of visitation and supervision of Paul the Apostle on the one hand and of the Apostles of Jerusalem on the other hand, representing the involvement of the diverse abilities of contributors, are worth considering to this day.

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Personen: Habermann, Jürgen

Schlagwörter: Paulus Neues Testament Urchristentum Visitation

Interessenkreis: Kirche

1070/..1074 CI

Habermann, Jürgen:
Visitation aus neutestamentlicher Sicht / von Jürgen Habermann. - In: Kerygma_und_Dogma 54.Jg., 2008, H.4, S.238-263,

Zugangsnummer: 2009/0701