Langer, Jens
Wo das Feuer brennt Kulturlandschaft in Siebenbürgen jenseits der Kulturmetropolen

What happens to the German villages in Rumania after their former inhabitants of German descent have migrated? The article describes among all decline the uncertain, yet very promising dawn of new cultural forms, painful shadows from the formerly repressed past, and unbelievable phenomena such as gypsy families who now form one of the largest the transilvanian dialect of the Saxons in Romania speaking Lutheran congregations in the Sighisoara region.

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Personen: Langer, Jens

Schlagwörter: Kultur

Interessenkreis: ohne_Fachordnung

1089/..1089 CI

Langer, Jens:
Wo das Feuer brennt : Kulturlandschaft in Siebenbürgen jenseits der Kulturmetropolen / Jens Langer. - In: Pastoraltheologie 98.Jg., 2009, H.6, S.254-279,

Zugangsnummer: 2010/0274