Fischer, Johannes
Zwischen religi÷ser Ideologie und religi÷sem Fundamentalismus zu einem Irrweg evangelischer Ethik

According to a wide-spread opinion, protestant ethics is based on its Christian understanding of reality. Hence the task of protestant ethics is seen in the deduction and justification of moral judgments about ethically controversial questions from premises of the Christian faith. The present contribution offers an in-depth critique of this predominant view. Its assumption is that this concept is based on a wrong understanding of both moral and religion. Either one is connected to the presence of reality ("Wirklichkeitsprõsenz"); thus the relation between the two has to be determined within the horizon of the presence of reality instead of theoretical deductions and constructs.

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Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie

Personen: Fischer, Johannes Johannes Fischer

Schlagwörter: Ethik Protestantismus Evangelische Theologie Moral Ideologie Fundamentalismus Wirklichkeitsverstõndnis

Interessenkreis: Theologie


Fischer, Johannes:
Zwischen religi÷ser Ideologie und religi÷sem Fundamentalismus : zu einem Irrweg evangelischer Ethik / Johannes Fischer + Merkblatt. - (Evangelische Theologie; 2014/1). - In: Evangelische_Theologie, 74. Jg., 2014, 1, S.22-40

Zugangsnummer: 0000/1085 - Barcode: 90109501
Zeitschriften - Buch