Butler, Joseph
Bishop Butlers Analogy of Religion, natural and revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature with an Analysis, left unfinished by Robert Emory, completed and edited, with a Life of Bishop Butler, Notes and Index, by G.R. Crooks

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Personen: Butler, Joseph

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Butler, Joseph:
Bishop Butlers Analogy of Religion, natural and revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature : with an Analysis, left unfinished by Robert Emory, completed and edited, with a Life of Bishop Butler, Notes and Index, by G.R. Crooks. - 1. - New York : Harper, 1872

Zugangsnummer: 2002/2938 - Barcode: 2-2100881-6-00003098-4
Kirchengeschichte / Quellen zur neueren Kirchengeschichte (17.- 20. Jahrhundert) - Fremdsprachige protestantische Autoren des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts - Buch