Vanhoozer, Kevin J.
The Pastor As Public Theologian Reclaiming a Lost Vision

Introduction: Pastors, Theologians, and Other Public Figures

Part 1: Biblical Theology and Historical Theology
1. Of Prophets, Priests, and Kings: A Brief Biblical Theology of the Pastorate
2. Of Scholars and Saints: A Brief History of the Pastorate

Part 2: Systematic Theology and Practical Theology
3. In the Evangelical Mood: The Purpose of the Pator-Theologian
4. Artisans in the House of God: The Practises of the Pastor-Theologian

Conclusion: Fifty-Five Summary Theses on the Pastor as Public Theologian

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Personen: Vanhoozer, Kevin J.

Gdb 429

Vanhoozer, Kevin J.:
The Pastor As Public Theologian : Reclaiming a Lost Vision / Vanhoozer Kevin J.; Strachan Owen. - 1. - United States of America : Baker Academic, 2015. - 209 S.
ISBN 978-0-8010-9771-3

Zugangsnummer: 2018/0507
Theolgie des Amtes; Pastoraltheolgie - Buch