Levy, Steven B.
Legal project management control costs, meet schedules, manage risks, and maintain sanity

This book is for everyone considering or implementingLegal Project Management, LPM. Theauthor's goals are threefold: help advance a nascent field that can benefiteveryone in the legal world; build a common understanding and shared vocabularyaround LPM concepts; and offer a project management framework designed from theground up for legal practices and attorneys rather than, say, engineering,construction, or IT

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Personen: Levy, Steven B.

Standort: BSP Jura

Schlagwörter: Projektmanagement Kosten Vernunft Projektleitung Zeitpläne

PC 4300 L668-01 (2)

Levy, Steven B. ¬[Verfasser]:
Legal project management : control costs, meet schedules, manage risks, and maintain sanity / Steven B. Levy. - second edition. - Chicago : Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section, 2015. - 417 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-63425-234-8 kartoniert : EUR 79.95

Zugangsnummer: 00002786 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00014001-0
Allgemeines zum juristischen Studium und zur Rechtswissenschaft - Buch