Follett, Ken
The Evening and the Morning

From the bestselling author Ken Follett, The Evening and the Morning is a historical epic that will end where The Pillars of the Earth begins. A TIME OF CONFLICT It is 997 CE, the end of the Dark Ages, and England faces attacks from the Welsh in the west and the Vikings in the east. Life is hard, and those with power wield it harshly, bending justice according to their will - often in conflict with the king.

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Personen: Follett, Ken

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Englisch Fol

Follett, Ken:
The Evening and the Morning
ISBN 978-1-4472-7882-5

Zugangsnummer: 2021/0554 - Barcode: 2-0000000-8-00007203-8
Englisch Belletristik - Buch