van den Boom, Dirk
The Emperor's Men 8: Stormy Heavens

Stormy times are coming. The messengers of the gods establish their rule over Mutal, the metropolis of the Maya, and continue their campaign against the neighboring cities. Fear and a spirit of resistance have awakened and plant a new idea of cooperation in the heads of the Mayan kings who do not want to surrender without a fight. But even within the group of stranded people, the captain's course is being questioned more and more. When a Roman expedition finally lands from distant Europe and an ambassador from Teotihuacán is interested in the developments, the centuries-old balance of power in Central America threatens to collapse.

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Personen: van den Boom, Dirk

van den Boom, Dirk:
The Emperor's Men 8: Stormy Heavens : Atlantis Verlag, 2021. - 270 S.
ISBN 9783864027871

Zugangsnummer: EM-1565925453
Signatur: eBook - eMedium