Leblanc, Maurice
The Lady with the hatchet, The Eight Strokes of the Clock, The adventures of Arsène Lupin

The Story of Peter Pan, by James M. Barrie, is one of the most famous tales about youth and dream-like adventures; this classic adaptation of Barrie's play will let you fly on the wings of your imagination. The History of Tom Thumb was the first fairy tale ever printed in English. The Three Sillies is a very old folktale, and has been handed down over the centuries for its entertainment value. Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a classic folktale of which numerous versions are known; they all delight and educate children about the importance of boundaries and personal property. Last but not least, Jack the Giant Killer is a fascinating folk tale coming from the Middle Ages, set during King Arthur's reign; it shows how a young man uses clever tricks to outwit terrible giants and rid England of their terrible threats. Enjoy this selection of English tales and stories, narrated in a warm and lively way; they make perfect bedtime stories, feed the imagination and let us escape in fascinating new worlds!

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Personen: Leblanc, Maurice Spera, Paul

Leblanc, Maurice:
The Lady with the hatchet, The Eight Strokes of the Clock, The adventures of Arsène Lupin : Astorg Audio, 2017. - 42 Min.
ISBN 9782821107519

Zugangsnummer: EM-1453173241
Signatur: eAudio - eMedium