Toriyama, Akira
Dr. Slump (2) Arale Attacke

Robot girl hijinks from the creator of Dragon Ball !When goofy inventor Senbei Norimaki creates a precocious robot named Arale, his masterpiece turns out to be more than he bargained for!It's business as usual in Penguin an alien arrives on Earth in hopes of becoming a superhero to the weakling humans, a bank robber tries to kidnap Arale and baby Gatchan, and Arale wrecks the town police car--again!

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Serie / Reihe: Dr. Slump 2

Personen: Toriyama, Akira

Standort: Gemeindebüchere

Schlagwörter: Manga

Interessenkreis: Manga

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Toriyama, Akira:
Dr. Slump (2) : Arale Attacke / Akira Toriyama. [Aus dem Japan. von Junko Iwamoto-Seebeck und Jürgen Seebeck]. - Hamburg : Carlsen, 2000. - 185 S., Illustrationen ; 22 cm. - (Dr. Slump; 2; .)
Einheitssacht.: Lifel1k3
ISBN 978-3-551-74462-3 kart. : DM 9.95, EUR 5.09

Zugangsnummer: 0021412001 - Barcode: 00175197
Jugendbücher (ab 13 Jahre) - Jugendbücher