Brown, Dan
Angels & demons

Worl-renowed Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is summoned to a Swiss research facility to analyze a cryptic symbol seared into the chest of murdered physicist. What he discovers is unimaginable: a deadly vendetta against the Catholic Church by a centuries-old underground organization - the Illuminati. Desperate to save the Vatican from apowerful time bomb, Langdon joins forces in Rome with the beautiful and mysterious scientist Vittoria Vetra. Together they embark on a frantic hunt through sealed crypts, dangerous catacombs, deserted cathedrals, and the most secretive vault on earth ... the long-forgotten Illuminati lair.

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Personen: Brown, Dan

Schlagwörter: Thriller

Interessenkreis: Englisch Fremdsprachig

SL Brow

Brown, Dan:
Angels & demons / Dan Brown. - 1. Aufl., Taschenbuchausg. - New York [u.a.] : Pocket Books, 2001. - 569 S. : Ill
ISBN 978-0-671-02736-0

Zugangsnummer: 2017/5387 - Barcode: 2-2071228-8-00005426-3
Schöne Literatur - Buch