Strosahl, Kirk
Brief interventions for radical change principles and practice of focused acceptance & commitment therapy

This book introduces therapists to the principles and practice of Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, or FACT.Mental health and chemical dependency clinicians are in a unique position to improve the lives of their clients, but find it difficult to provide clients with life-changing psychological tools they need within each time-limited appointment. Brief Interventions for Radical Behaviour Change makes it easy for these busy clinicians to integrate important mindfulness, acceptance, and values-based therapeutic work in their interactions with clients.

In just fifteen to thirty minutes, clinicians can identify core issues clients struggle with, apply acceptance interventions to help clients eliminate self-defeating thinking and behaviour, and help clients engage in committed, values-based actions to change their lives for the better. The goal is to emphasize small, positive changes that cumulatively lead to radical changes in clients' lives. These acceptance and commitment therapy-based interventions require minimal time and few follow-up visits, and are capable of catalysing dramatic changes in clients.

Brief interventions have been proven to have a significant clinical impact in helping clients overcome substance abuse, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. A must-have resource for every clinician seeking to hasten his or her clients' recovery using cutting-edge techniques from mindfulness and acceptance therapy.

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Personen: Strosahl, Kirk Robinson, Patricia J. Gustavsson, Thomas

Standort: RÜD

Schlagwörter: Acceptance and commitment therapy Brief psychotherapy Electronic books

CW 5000 S942

Strosahl, Kirk ¬[Verfasser]:
Brief interventions for radical change : principles and practice of focused acceptance & commitment therapy / Kirk Strosahl, Patricia Robinson, Thomas Gustavsson. - Oakland, CA : New Harbinger Publications, Inc., 2012. - 288 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-60882-345-1 kartoniert : EUR 48,75

Zugangsnummer: 00014825 - Barcode: 2-9445191-5-00019006-0
Angewandte Psychologie - Buch