GeroPsych 2020 - Ausgabe Heft 01 the journal of gerontopsychology and geriatric psychiatry; Special section autobiographical memory and health

Special section autobiographical memory and health

The interpersonaL focus and specificity of autobiographical memories: theoretical relevance and methodological considerations

Full-length research reports:
Interpersonal forcus in the emotional autobiographical memories of older and younger adults

Interindividual differences in cognitive functioning are associated with autobiographical memory retrieval specificity in older adults

Do south african Xhosa-speaking people with schizophrenia really fare better? A longitudinal mortality study in older patients with schizophrenia

Perceived benefits and costs contribute to young and older adults' selectivity in social relationships

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Serie / Reihe: 33. Jahrgang

Standort: RÜD

Schlagwörter: Gerontopsychologie Demenz

CL 2020-46

GeroPsych 2020 - Ausgabe Heft 01 : the journal of gerontopsychology and geriatric psychiatry; Special section autobiographical memory and health. - Göttingen : Hogrefe, 2020. - Seite 1-51. - (33. Jahrgang; Heft 01)

Zugangsnummer: 00001262 - Barcode: 2-9445191-5-00007489-6
Zeitschriften der Psychologie - Zeitschriftenheft