Lebow, Jay
Integrative family therapy
Film (DVD)

Demonstrates a multimodal, evidence-based approach to working with families. Anchored in a client-oriented philosophy, the author first delineates client goals and then uses the most appropriate generic evidence-based strategies that can help achieve the goals set by the clients.

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Serie / Reihe: Series IV : Relationships

Personen: Lebow, Jay

Standort: RÜD

Schlagwörter: Familientherapie Psychotherapie

CU 8200 L449-a

Lebow, Jay:
Integrative family therapy / Jay Lebow. - Washington : American Psychological Association, 2007. - (Series IV : Relationships)
ISBN 978-1-59147-798-3 : EUR 85.00

Zugangsnummer: 00008996 - Barcode: 2-9445191-5-00002369-6
Klinische Psychologie - Film (DVD)