Journal of Personnel Psychology 2016 - Ausgabe Heft 02

Original Aricles:
Is Retest Bias Biased? Examining Race and Sex Differences in Retest Performance

Work Engagement and Research Output Among Female and Male Scientists: A Diary Study

Learning Climate and Workplace Learning: Does Work Restructuring Make a Difference?

Work Intensification and the Work-Home Interface: The Moderating Effect of Individual Work-Home Segmentation Strategies and Organizational Segmentation Supplies

Research Note:
Policy Type and Justification Influences on Support for Affirmative Action Policies

Call for Papers
"Applicant Behavior": A Special Issue of the Journal of Personnel Psychology

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Serie / Reihe: 15. Jahrgang

Standort: RÜD

CL 2016-16

Journal of Personnel Psychology 2016 - Ausgabe Heft 02. - Göttingen : Hogrefe, 2016. - Seite 45-94. - (15. Jahrgang; Heft 02)
ISSN 18665888 : EUR 59.50

Zugangsnummer: 00005910 - Barcode: 2-9445191-5-00005767-7
Zeitschriften der Psychologie - Zeitschriftenheft