Oxford handbook of public health practice

This is the quick, go-to-reference book for public health trainees and practitioners. It distils information from the core disciplines of public health into one concise volume. It is also packed with practical tips on professional competencies and skills development, as well as new emerging topics

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Personen: Kawachi, Ichiro Lang, Iain Ricciardi, Walter

Standort: RÜD

Schlagwörter: Management Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen

XF 1001 K22-02 (4)

Oxford handbook of public health practice / edited by Ichiro Kawachi, Iain Lang, and Walter Ricciardi. - Fourth edition. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020. - xix, 663 Seiten
ISBN 978-0-19-880012-5 kartoniert : EUR 42,90

Zugangsnummer: 00014953 - Barcode: 2-9445191-5-00016828-1
Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen - Buch