Liebert, Robert M.
Personality strategies and issues

A textbook for an introductory undergraduate course. Keeps jargon to a minimum, defines terms, and illustrates the principles with examples deemed to be familiar to students. No dates are noted for the earlier editions; the eighth has been thoroughly revised with new or expanded information on suchThis sound, scholarly book continues to organize the diverse content of personality psychology in a meaningful way, taking care to present complex concepts in highly readable, accessible language. Using a single, overarching framework, the authors capture the flavor of each of four important conceptual strategies (psychoanalytic, dispositional, behavioral, and representational) and four fundamental issues (theory, assessment, research, and personality change) underlying contemporary personality psychology.

The presentation of each strategy begins with an overview chapter that describes the strategy's basic assumptions and principles, as well as its respective intellectual school of thought. Then, after a more detailed presentation of the approaches that fall within the strategy, the authors conclude with a single chapter on the strategy's practical applications and limitations.

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Personen: Liebert, Robert M. Liebert, Lynn L.

Standort: RÜD

Schlagwörter: Persönlichkeitspsychologie Persönlichkeitstheorie Personality

CR 1000 L716-a (8)

Liebert, Robert M. ¬[Verfasser]:
Personality : strategies and issues / Robert M. Liebert ; Lynn Langenbach Liebert. - eight edition. - Pacific Grove : Brooks/Cole, 1998. - XXVIII, 643 Seiten : Illustrationen
ISBN 978-0-534-26418-5 Festeinband : EUR 149.95

Zugangsnummer: 00005912 - Barcode: 2-9445191-5-00009829-8
Differentielle Psychologie (Persönlichkeitspsychologie) - Buch