Social mechanisms an analytical approach to social theory

The mechanism approach calls attention to an intermediary level of analysis in between pure description and story-telling, on the one hand, and grand theorizing and universal social laws, on the other. These essays, written by prominent social scientists, advance criticisms of current trends in social theory and suggest alternative approaches.

The advancement of social theory requires an analytical approach that systematically seeks to explicate the social mechanisms that generate and explain observed associations between events. These essays, written by prominent social scientists, advance criticisms of current trends in social theory and suggest alternative approaches. The mechanism approach calls attention to an intermediary level of analysis in between pure description and story-telling, on the one hand, and grand theorizing and universal social laws, on the other. For social theory to be of use for the working social scientist, it must attain a high level of precision and provide a toolbox from which middle range theories can be constructed.

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Serie / Reihe: Studies in rationality and social change

Personen: Hedström, Peter Swedberg, Richard

Standort: RÜD

Schlagwörter: Soziales System Analytische Methode Soziologische Theorie

MR 1100 H456

Social mechanisms : an analytical approach to social theory / Peter Hedström ; Richard Swedberg. - Reprint. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005. - 340 Seiten : grafische Darstellungen. - (Studies in rationality and social change)
ISBN 978-0-521-59687-9 kartoniert : EUR 46.98

Zugangsnummer: 00008356 - Barcode: 2-9445191-5-00007370-7
Sozialwissenschaftliche Theorien und Methoden - Buch