The Journals of Gerontology 2019 - Ausgabe Heft 03 Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences ; Series B


Psychological Sciences:

Jeremy M. Hamm und andere:
The Detrimental Consequences of Overestimating Future Health in Late Life, Seite 371

Yannick Stephan und andere:
Subjective Age and Cystatin C Among Older Adults, Seite 382

James A. Grange, Raymond B. Becker:
The Effect of Aging on Response Congruency in Task Switching: A Meta-Analysis, Seite 389

Robert S. Stawski und andere:
A Comprehensive Comparison of Quantifications of Intraindividual Variability in Response Times: A Measurement Burst Approach, Seite 397

Laura B. Zahodne und andere:
Psychosocial Pathways to Racial/Ethnic Inequalities in Late-Life Memory Trajectories, Seite 409

Susan T. Charles und andere:
Age and the Factor Structure of Emotional Experience in Adulthood, Seite 419

Corinna E. Löckenhoff und andere:
Preferences for Temporal Sequences of Real Outcomes Differ Across Domains but do not Vary by Age, Seite 430

Xianmin Gong und andere:
Are Older Adults More Willing to Donate? The Roles of Donation Form and Social Relationship, Seite 440

Meng Huo und andere:
Aging Parents' Daily Support Exchanges With Adult Children Suffering Problems, Seite 449

Acknowledgement of Reviewers, Seite 460

Social Sciences:

Asian and Asian-American older Adults

Xian Gao und andere:
Elder Mistreatment Among Chinese American Families: Do Acculturation and Traditionalism Matter?, Seite 465

Ruopeng An und andere:
Dietary Habits and Cognitive Impairment Risk Among Oldest-Old Chinese, Seite 474

Nikkil Sudharsanan:
The Association Between Socioeconomic Status and Adult Mortality in a Developing Country: Evidence From a Nationally Representative Longitudinal Survey of Indonesian Adults, Seite 484

Zhen Cong und Merril Silverstein:
A Vignette Study of Older Adults' Preferences for Intergenerational Transfers in the Context of Competition Between Grandparents and Grandchildren in Rural China, Seite 496

Seungho Lee und andere:
The Effects of Old-Age Public Transfer on the Well-Being of Older Adults: The Case of Social Pension in South Korea, Seite 506

Disparities in Health and Well-Being

Theresa E. Gildner und andere:
Perceived Income Adequacy and Well-being Among Older Adults in Six Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Seite 516

Natalie R. Smith und andere:
Childhood Misfortune and Handgrip Strength Among Black, White, and Hispanic Americans, Seite 526

Amanda Leggett und andere:
Recent Improvements in Cognitive Functioning Among Older U.S. Adults: How Much Does Increasing Educational Attainment Explain?, Seite 536

Carri L. Hand, Bret T. Howrey:
Associations Among Neighborhood Characteristics, Mobility Limitation, and Social Participation in Late Life, Seite 546

Acknowledgement of Reviewers, Seite 556

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Weiterführende Informationen

Serie / Reihe: 74. Jahrgang

Standort: RÜD

Schlagwörter: Altern Gerontopsychologie Aging Folgen von Überschätzungen

CL 2019-21

The Journals of Gerontology 2019 - Ausgabe Heft 03 : Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences ; Series B. - Oxford : Oxford Academic, 2019. - 373-558 Seiten : Graphische Darstellungen. - (74. Jahrgang; Heft 03)
ISSN 1079 5014 kartoniert

Zugangsnummer: 00007339 - Barcode: 2-9445191-5-00005926-8
Zeitschriften der Psychologie - Zeitschriftenheft