Archer, Jeffrey
Only time will tell

The epic tale of Harry Clifton's life begins in 1919, in the backstreets of Bristol. The novel takes a cast of memorable characters from ravages of the Great War to the outbreak of the Second World War, when Harry must decide whether to take his place in Oxford, or to join the fight against Hitler's Germany...

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Personen: Archer, Jeffrey

Leseror. Aufstellung: Fremdsprachige Literatur

Interessenkreis: fremdsprachige Belletristik

R 82

Archer, Jeffrey:
Only time will tell / Jeffrey Archer. - London : Pan Books Macmillan Publisher Ltd., 2011. - 450 Seiten
ISBN 978-0-330-51798-0

Zugangsnummer: 0021642001 - Barcode: 10182000
R 82 - Belletristik