Jacobs, Anna
Moving on
eMedien von noe-book.at

Molly Peel feels trapped by her family: her ex-husband Craig cannot seem to abandon his controlling ways despite abandoning her for a younger woman, her lazy son Brian has long been taking advantage of her generosity, and her selfish daughter Rachel is embarrassed by her. When she is blamed for ruining Rachel's wedding in circumstances beyond her control, Molly decides enough is enough and makes a clean break to Wiltshire to begin a new life. However, the persistent interference of her ex presents difficulties. Can Molly find the courage to stand up for herself and finally move on?

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Personen: Jacobs, Anna

Jacobs, Anna:
Moving on : Lightning Source Inc, 2018. - 320 S.
ISBN 9780749023171

Zugangsnummer: EM-665845349
eMedien von noe-book.at